Tuesday, January 22, 2013

2013: year of the book

a couple of months ago, my friend miss l inspired me to read as many books as possible in one year - i believe she managed 50!

i have always been an avid reader, and i can't remember a time when i didn't read. books have been my solace, my friends + have made me the person i am today. i cannot spend enough hours reading them, and the remaining hours i spend talking about them + searching for more. as a side note, i highly recommend you visit here if you are a die-hard bookworm such as i. but i digress.

so, in the spirit of my friend miss l, i am going to attempt to read 50 (or more) books this year, and keeping track of  my progress  here with reviews + thoughts i have about my choices.

lastly, i have spent a few years here + there trying to start a blog, yet with no follow-through. let's see if i change that this year.


claudia owl

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